Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister H.E. Demeke Mekonnen conferred with the Minister of State for Development and Africa Rt. Hon. Andrew Mitchell MP at his office on 21 March 2023. He assured Mr. Demeke of the continued support of the British Government towards the full implementation of the peace […]

H.E. Ambassador Oumer Hussien Presented a Copy of his Credential Letter to the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. While presenting the copy, Ambassador Oumer stated that he would work hard to expand the scope and depth of cooperation between UAE & Ethiopia.

The newly appointed Ambassador-Designate of the Republic of Türkiye to Ethiopia, H.E. Berk Baran, presented a copy of his credentials to the Chief of Protocol of Ministry of foreign affairs of Ethiopia, H.E. Ambassador Demeke Atnafu today (21 March 2023). After welcoming Ambassador Baran to Addis Ababa, Ambassador Demeke wished […]

H.E. Ambassador Girma Birru, Economic Adviser to H.E. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said, officials of regional states should work closely with the federal government to ameliorate the condition. Ministers, high-ranking federal government officials, presidents of regional states and other invited dignitaries participated in this multi-stakeholder consultative forum. Presentations on the […]


H.E. Sahle-Work zewde

Prime Minister

H.E. Abiy Ahmed Ali (PhD)

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